NuMedica ImmunoG PRP | Review & Insight
Updated 09/10/20
ImmunoG PRP is a nutrient-dense colostrum powder. Colostrum is known as nature’s perfect food because it contains more immune factors than any other food. It is also called, "first milk" because it is the first milk that is produced by a mother after she gives birth. One of the most important nutrients in colostrum is Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRP). They are also known as “info-peptides” because they send messages to your own immune cells. They also have various other functions including managing inflammation, increasing white blood cells, increasing NK (natural killer) cell activity, and killing certain bacteria and viruses.
The PRPs in colostrum have shown strong anti-viral strength. In experiments, PRPs defeated HIV, Epstein Barr, Measles, and herpes.
Medical studies have shown that colostrum supplements may relieve diarrhea and aid in healing a leaky gut barrier. Colostrum also acts as a protective agent from stomach damage caused by NSAIDs. It has also been studied for use in diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. One study with mice showed that colostrum protected brain cells from aluminum toxicity.
When shopping for colostrum supplements make sure to look for PRP on the label, and that it is labeled 16-hour colostrum.
ImmunoG and Your Immune System
You can think of your immune system as a thermostat. You don’t want to turn it too high because you will end up too hot. The same is true of turning it down---you will end up too cold. It is the same with your immune system. You don’t want to stimulate it too much or you end up with an autoimmune condition. If your immune system isn’t supported enough, you will be prone to infections and pathogens. The PRPs in ImmunoG support your immune cells in staying active, but not overactive.
ImmunoG PRP is colostrum that is sourced from cows in the United States that are certified antibiotic, pesticide, and hormone free. Some of the colostrum is reserved for the calves, while the excess is used to create ImmunoG PRP. While a mother's milk is usually high in fat, lactose and potassium, colostrum is high in protein, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. Colostrum also contains important growth and immune factors, namely: IGF-1, IGF-2, VEGF and lactoferrin.
ImmunoG PRP is offered in chewable tablets, capsules, spray, or a powder. I prefer the powder because it has a delightfully sweet and creamy flavor. I recommend adding 1 teaspoon to a smoothie or protein shake. You can also add to your favorite fat bomb recipe to increase nutrient density. During the winter months, I add it to warm tea. Colostrum powder tends to clump, so use a whisk or hand blender so it fully dissolves.
Almost anyone will benefit from immune support. I recommend it as a maintenance supplement for healthy adults and children. For those trying to modulate their immune cells, I recommend starting low with ½ teaspoon daily and slowly moving up to 1 tablespoon or more.
Are you suffering from a poor immune system? Is it too low or turned up too high? Schedule a phone consultation with Carly Neubert BA, NC to create a personalized protocol for utilizing ImmunoG PRP in your wellness plan.
In health,
Carly Neubert BA, NC
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