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Men's Health

From prostate health to heart health and weight management, there is a lot for men to keep in mind in order to optimize their approach to prevention and treatment of these issues. Before evaluating your choices regarding what supplement to buy, check in with your healthcare professional. They can then give you a good idea of what products to look for, which ones have interactions, and what is right for you. The products in this category assist with multiple aspects of men’s health like hormone imbalances, prostate structure/function, fertility, and overall physical wellness. 

Fertility Supplements

In cases of fertility issues, many men find it helpful to start taking a fertility supplement. A supplement like this works by helping increase the motility and quantity of sperm. Key ingredients in these types of formulas like L-methionine and Glutathione can help support the various processes in the overall goal of conception. In order to be successful in taking a supplement of this nature, it is important to have all the facts about what is going on in your body. 

Preventative Self Care

In order to optimize the health of men, there needs to be a balance of solid preventative measures and good lifestyle habits. According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosis amongst men (after skin cancer). Keeping up to date with prostate checks and being aware of family history can make this process easier and more manageable. Men above the age of 50 have a drastically increased chance of developing skin cancer. There is a laundry list of doable habits that can be implemented in order to decrease the risk of skin cancer. Wearing sunscreen with an SPF above 30 and reapplying while in the sun are good actions to take. Another habit to break would be smoking cigarettes. There are 7,300 Americans that die from secondhand smoke every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and even more die of causes directly related to their smoking additions.