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Metagenics was founded on the ideals that the genes we are born with, do not determine our destiny. They believe that through living a healthy lifestyle and being constantly aware of your body and its health, you are able to live a better and more full life. The line of products that they set forth into the industry is there in order to make this thought possible for anyone.

Everyone's Approach to Health is Different

The environment that you live your daily life in has a great influence on the health of your body and mind. Metagenics believes that this should have an influence on the way you care for yourself and the vitamins and supplements you consume in order to improve your quality of life. They believe that each individual’s health should be examined as everyone’s genetic makeup is different. This, as well as nutrition and lifestyle, all play a role in the overall health of the unique individual.

Health Education as Top Priority

The education of their healthcare professionals and patients is a major priority of theirs. In order to use their products in the best and most effective ways, it is useful to know as much as possible about the science that backs the foundation and creation of them. In order to achieve this, Metagenics offers educational programs to communities and well as webinars for people across the world to expand their knowledge on the way their body works and the vitamins and supplements that are able to assist in making this more efficient. The more people are aware of the many factors that contribute to the health and maintenance of your body, the healthier as a whole we are able to be.

To further support their mission of educating the public, they offer many informational blogs on their website. Many of these are used in order to explain the science behind their products or simply educated the patients and healthcare professionals about the daily mental physical health routines that could further improve their health.

Research and New Products

Metagenics is constantly researching and finding new products to manufacture and add to their line of products in order to reach more people and assist in their daily lives. The most recent addition to their line of products is an assortment of keto-friendly options. These even include a soup mix!