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The Blog

Boluoke for Scars and Fractures

Have you ever heard the phrase “sticky blood”, or maybe the idea that someone is “thick blooded”? Many chronic and complex illnesses deal with something called hypercoagulation and/or hypoperfusion. These terms refer to increased blood clotting and reduced blood flow. Hence the common nickname of ‘sticky blood’. The coagulation, or clotting, of blood is vital for internal and external wounds. Proper blood flow and oxygenation of your tissues and organs are also really important. There are lots of players involved in blood flow and blood clotting, with enzymes and proteins at the very forefront.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on September 11, 2024

Golden Thread & Mimosa Supreme: Is This Magic?

Golden Thread Supreme (Coptis chinensis) and Mimosa Supreme (Mimosa Pudica) – magical potions? Try again. Golden Thread Supreme and Mimosa Supreme are two of Supreme Nutrition’s fabulous supplements. Though they’re not magical potions, their powerful therapeutic benefits may leave you wondering what kind of magic is contained in these capsules. In this blog we’ll take a look at the long list of benefits and uses of both Golden Thread Supreme and Mimosa Supreme. We will also include reviews from Healthy Habits Living customers so you can get an idea of what all the buzz is about!

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on August 28, 2024

InflammaCORE, a Functional Food

Have you ever heard something be described as a “functional food”? Though it may seem an obscure term, it’s a pretty powerful label. Ortho Molecular’s InflammaCORE is one such nutrient formulation that has been labeled as a functional food. A functional food is something that goes beyond basic nutritional and meal replacement shakes. While InflammaCORE certainly has its nutritional benefits and could be used simply for its protein, the formulation is also packed with immune boosting nutrients, cooling herbs and GI (Gastrointestinal) building blocks.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on August 14, 2024

SBI Protect: An insurance policy for your Gut-Immune Health

Hippocrates knew back in the day, and now sciences confirms: “all disease begins in the gut.” More than 70% of your immune cells are in your gut and most, if not all, chronic and metabolic diseases start there too. With the rise in toxins in our food, water, and air, we have seen an increasing rise in diseases and symptoms.  So, short of living on a deserted island or a cave, how can we support our gut health and the enormous amount of toxin exposure we encounter?

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on July 31, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About MedPax

Convenience is the trend healthy habits and goals. If we want to create change in ourselves in needs to be easy, sustainable, and practical. With how busy we all are, whether with work, school, or taking care of a family member or a pet, it’s no wonder the idea of Atomic Habits is taking spreading like wildfire. MedPax includes daily doses of specific formulas intended to address a specific symptom or disease concern. The formulas I will be discussing in this article include sleep, immunity, beauty, energy, and gut. 

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on July 24, 2024

HepatoCore for Natural Ozempic: Supporting your liver for weight loss

Are you searching for a less expensive way to lose weight than an injection that costs $1000 per week.  With the rise of semaglutide medications, Ozempic and Wagovy---and the new generation of GLP-1 and GIP blockers Zepbound and Mounjaro--- everyone is buzzing about the long-term dangers to your body and your pocketbook.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on July 10, 2024

HiPhenolic is Fantastic for Weight Loss and Blood Pressure

Weight loss is a necessity for anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), or metabolic syndromes. Ozempic may be popular for the stars who want to lose a few pounds, but semaglutide medications are intended to address real and life-threatening disorders including obesity.  
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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on June 19, 2024

The Evidence within Evidence Based Supplements

Healthy Aging, Anti-Aging – you’re likely familiar with these terms and concepts, but have you heard of Senolytic Healthy Aging? What about Zombie Cells? Good news! We’re going to dive into these concepts today, and focus on Evidence Based Supplements’ patent pending Senolytic Healthy Aging Program. Stick around to learn a bit more about the ins and outs of the incredible trio that makes up this 2-Step Senolytic Program

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on June 05, 2024

How Does EmuaidMAX Differ From Emuaid?

If you’ve been around for a while, you may have seen a few of our blog posts highlight Emuaid. In 2017 we gave you “What You Need To Know About Emuaid”, a rundown of the benefits of Emuaid and EmuaidMAX. Then in 2020, we dug a little deeper and focused on “Skin Conditions & Emuaid”. So, why another blog? Well, this time around, we’ll be highlighting the benefits of EmuaidMAX First Aid Ointment and how it differs from Emuaid’s regular strength product. This maximum strength cream packs high concentrations of high quality ingredients to bring you high quality relief. The uses for EmuaidMAX seem endless! Stick around to find out the ‘why’ behind EmuaidMAX and read what Healthy Habits Living customers are saying in their reviews about this fantastic product!

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on May 22, 2024

How Can You Benefit From Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan

Your immune system is a complex workaholic. It is a network of organs, proteins, and cells that defend your body against foreign invaders (like infections) and protects your cells. By keeping note of every substance (pathogen, microbe, chemical, food, etc) that we encounter, our bodies can better adapt to fighting off illness.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on May 08, 2024

Get Energetic About This New Brand, Energetix!

Energetix offers nutritional, botanical, and homeopathic products. The Energetix company aims to go beyond a band-aid solution. Rather than attending to only the symptoms, they seek to make a difference at the core of the issue. We live in an increasingly imbalanced and toxic environment and as a result, the health issues we encounter can be rather complex. With a goal to purify and nourish the body, Energetix offers over 120 formulas that play well together, even bolstering one another’s healing properties. Energetix supplements are meant to offer unique and individualized solutions to your unique situation. Energetix believes in the innate wisdom of the body. By leaning on the body’s energetic fields and the influence that has on the entirety of the body, these supplements can work with your body and help it to heal from the inside out. Learning to trust a body that seems to have failed you, is an important step to wholeness and healing. Energetix is passionate about aiding in this endeavor.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on April 24, 2024

Seek Answers to your Health with Seeking Health!

Seeking Health believes in building health not just treating symptoms. Too often, root causes are left alone, and the cycle of symptoms continues. Seeking Health has seen patterns in the root causes of these symptoms and they have developed formulas geared to address them. Many of the common health conditions and symptoms stem from the gut (i.e. ineffective digestion and poor diet), environmental exposures, sleep issues and sometimes even a lack of community. In turn, Seeking Health supplements aim to support you in optimizing your digestion and diet so that nutrients can effectively flood into your system.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on April 10, 2024