Living a “whole food lifestyle” is easier said than done. Many people find that supplementing with vitamins and other formulas is the best way to stay healthy and strong. Did you know, however, that there are two different types of nutrients in most vitamins? They are natural nutrients and synthetic nutrients. While synthetic nutrients are more commonly found on supermarket shelves, natural nutrients are made from whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. The items in this category are made from natural nutrients. You can see this by looking at the supplement labels on each product. The products in this category offer a more natural and less synthetic way to take a vitamin or supplement.
Traditional supplements on the market have synthetic nutrients that are produced in a laboratory setting. While this doesn't necessarily mean that they are bad, it means that the absorption may vary from person to person. When you are eating foods rich in nutritious fruits and vegetables, your body is fully absorbing the numerous vitamins and minerals. This is what happens when you take a whole food supplement as opposed to a traditional synthetic supplement. On the other hand, however, you may be in a position where you need higher quantities of one vitamin over another. When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she may need to consume extra vitamins (vitamin D) and avoid others (vitamin A). This is a situation where a synthetic alternative may be recommended by your healthcare professional.
The benefits of a whole food lifestyle are numerous. Lower blood pressure, decreased mood swings, and increased energy are only a few benefits to this lifestyle. Natural detoxification takes place, aiding in any digestive issues. Adding in some fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, seeds, and oily fish, are good first steps to achieving this goal. It is important to take into account your current lifestyle and being realistic about how many whole food items you can eat in a day. If you find yourself in a position where a whole food supplement will give you the missing links to your nutrition goals, we have the products to help.