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Beta 1, 3-D Glucan - 500mg


Boluoke® (Lumbrokinase)


CuraMed 750 mg (Curcumin)


Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics Original Formula


Boluoke for Scars and Fractures

Have you ever heard the phrase “sticky blood”, or maybe the idea that someone is “thick blooded”? Many chronic and complex illnesses deal with something called hypercoagulation and/or hypoperfusion. These terms refer to increased blood clotting and reduced blood flow. Hence the common nickname of ‘sticky blood’. The coagulation, or clotting, of blood is vital for internal and external wounds. Proper blood flow and oxygenation of your tissues and organs are also really important. There are lots of players involved in blood flow and blood clotting, with enzymes and proteins at the very forefront.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on September 11, 2024

Golden Thread & Mimosa Supreme: Is This Magic?

Golden Thread Supreme (Coptis chinensis) and Mimosa Supreme (Mimosa Pudica) – magical potions? Try again. Golden Thread Supreme and Mimosa Supreme are two of Supreme Nutrition’s fabulous supplements. Though they’re not magical potions, their powerful therapeutic benefits may leave you wondering what kind of magic is contained in these capsules. In this blog we’ll take a look at the long list of benefits and uses of both Golden Thread Supreme and Mimosa Supreme. We will also include reviews from Healthy Habits Living customers so you can get an idea of what all the buzz is about!

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on August 28, 2024

InflammaCORE, a Functional Food

Have you ever heard something be described as a “functional food”? Though it may seem an obscure term, it’s a pretty powerful label. Ortho Molecular’s InflammaCORE is one such nutrient formulation that has been labeled as a functional food. A functional food is something that goes beyond basic nutritional and meal replacement shakes. While InflammaCORE certainly has its nutritional benefits and could be used simply for its protein, the formulation is also packed with immune boosting nutrients, cooling herbs and GI (Gastrointestinal) building blocks.

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by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on August 14, 2024