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Collagen Peptides - Everything You Need To Know

by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on May 05, 2021

The weather is getting warmer, and our skin is suffering as a result. If you’re like me, you carry around hand lotion wherever you go to keep dry skin at bay. What if this isn’t enough? Vital Proteins has the key – pasture raised collagen peptides.

Collagen: The Basics

Before you go careening down the rabbit hole of online research, let me give you a few basic facts regarding collagen:

  1. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body. It is found in our muscles, tendons, joints, skin, and digestive system. As we get older, our collagen levels tend to decrease. A boost of collagen in our bodies can help with beautification as well as healthy body regulation. 
  2. Our body produces sufficient levels of collagen into our 20’s. Once we hit 30, our body produces significantly less collagen. From that point on, it decreases 1-2% each year.
  3. Collagen can also be increased by adding ingredients into recipes like bone broth to your diet. Check out our existing post about Chicken Bone Broth Health Benefits.

The History Behind Collagen

Collagen has a thorough and well-documented history. Even though its molecular properties haven’t been researched for long, its uses have been recorded for thousands of years. Deriving from the Greek word for glue, “kolla,” collagen means “glue producer.”

The Egyptians used collagen adhesive about 4,000 years ago.

Native Americans used it 1,500 years ago in their bow-making processes.

Another early use was boiling animal skin and tendons to make glue. Today, it is used in a wide variety of applications. From food to medical, we can see collagen used pretty much anywhere. Cosmetic surgeries and burn surgeries are some of the more common medical uses. One of my favorite examples, however, is collagen casings for sausages. 

Collagen Types

Just when you thought that collagen was a complicated enough subject… There are five different types of collagen. Each one has a distinct job in our body.

Type I: This is the most common type of collagen in our bodies. Type I supports healthy skin, nails, hair, bones, organs, and ligaments. If you’re looking for a healthy boost for your skin, this is the one to look for! Check out a great option for Type 1 Collagen here: Marine Collagen.

Type II: This collagen type promotes digestive health and helps maintain our gut lining. Often found in chicken broth, this type of collagen additionally helps our immune system function.

Type III: Type III is similar to Type I, but the quantities found in our bodies are reduced. Type III supports skin and bone health. 

Types V/X: Types V and X are commonly found in supplements as opposed to in our bodies. Type V forms cell membranes and placenta tissue. Type X helps form bones. 

Collagen vs. Collagen Peptides

Another mystery regarding collagen that most people don’t know about is the difference between collagen and collagen peptides. In simple terms, collagen is simply too dense to be absorbed into our bloodstream. Peptides, however, are perfectly capable of this feat. How is that possible? Peptides are hydrolyzed.

This means that they go through a process called “hydrolysis.” This process breaks down the molecular bonds that make collagen so dense into smaller peptides that we can then absorb! Water molecules rupture the strong molecular bonds, and the result is what we have here with Vital Proteins’ Collagen Peptides. 

Side Effects of Pasture Raised Collagen Peptides

Collagen peptide supplements are one of the safer options as far as dietary supplements go. If you are planning on getting pregnant, or are currently expecting, it is recommended that you speak to your doctor first. 

Side effects are minor, but can generally include diarrhea, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and rashes. For most people, however, collagen supplements do not pose a dire health risk.  

Usage and Results

Vital Proteins’ Collagen Peptides can be used in hot or cold liquids. We recommend one to two scoops per day. This will give you the boost you need to support healthy hair, skin, nails, bone and joint health, digestion, muscle recovery, and more. From smoothies to oatmeal, Collagen Peptides can be added to almost anything!

It is tasteless and odorless which makes it an ideal supplement to add into recipes. Like other collagen supplements, results are dependent on how dedicated you are to taking the dietary supplement. From data on previous users, if you’re taking 1 scoop (10g), results should show in 8-12 weeks for aging skin (for more information on this recommended dosage, click here for WebMD’s referenced data).

If you’re on a strict diet, you can still use this supplement. These peptides are gluten-free, non-GMO, and Paleo friendly. Derived from healthy cows in Brazil, the cattle are not given hormones, steroids, or antibiotics. Eating a natural diet and providing a lush environment ensures that you, the consumer, are receiving natural and pure dietary supplements.

Poor Collagen Behavior

One of the most important things to consider, however, is how to evaluate our current behaviors so we do not put ourselves at a higher risk of decreased collagen. Some behaviors that contribute to decreased collagen are eating too much sugar and refined carbs, getting too much sunshine, and smoking cigarettes. Sugar interferes with collagen’s ability to repair itself. Ultraviolet radiation reduces collagen production. Smoking reduces collagen production. Another negative effect of smoking is the impairment of our body’s ability to heal from wounds. Smoking also makes one predisposed to more wrinkles. Another possible risk is found when Vitamin C levels are lacking. If a diet is not rich in Vitamin C, there is decreased stability for the collagen molecules. 


Feel younger and more jubilant from the inside out! If you’re looking for a reliable way to increase your skin’s elasticity and promote good digestive health, this is the way to go. There are many different ways to increase your body’s collagen (and many supplements on the market too)! Take the first step in giving your skin, hair, and nails a boost this year, and check out Vital Proteins’ Collagen Peptides.



https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325344 - types-and-how-to-use-them



