InflammaCORE, a Functional Food

Have you ever heard something described as a “functional food”? Though it may seem an obscure term, it’s a pretty powerful label. Ortho Molecular’s InflammaCORE is one such nutrient formulation that has been labeled as a functional food. A functional food is something that goes beyond basic nutritional and meal replacement shakes. While InflammaCORE certainly has its nutritional benefits and could be used simply for its protein, the formulation is also packed with immune boosting nutrients, cooling herbs and GI (gastrointestinal) building blocks. Maintaining normal inflammatory balance, gut barrier integrity, and supporting overall immune health are just a few of the key benefits of incorporating InflammaCORE into your health supplement routine. You may have seen our previous blog on InflammaCORE posted a few years ago! While a lot of that information is still relevant and helpful – InflammaCORE has since been reformulated. One of the main differences being the change in flavors being offered! In this blog we’ll focus on the in’s and out’s of inflammation and gut health (including issues like leaky gut), what makes InflammaCORE different than a protein shake, answer a few burning FAQs, and take a look at what Healthy Habits Living clients are saying about their experience with Ortho Molecular’s InflammaCORE.
Inflammation is both a blessing and a curse. Acute Inflammation refers to short-term inflammation. This is your body’s natural immune response. When you are injured in some way, you don’t have to consciously make your body initiate repair – it’s activated by natural programming found in your genetics. Plasma and immune cells zero in on the injured tissues, relocating from the blood to the location where the repairs and support are needed. As a result, your body goes through a series of biochemical events that ultimately help heal your tissues and organs! The healing process is manifested in acute inflammation. If you’re interested in examples of what acute inflammation can look like on a broader scale than just the gut, check out our ‘Inflammation: Everything You Need To Know’ blog post.
Where we start to get into troubled waters is with chronic inflammation. Sometimes your body can get stuck in a chronic inflammation response system, this can be both painful and exhausting. One particularly worrisome area is inflammation in the intestines. The GI System appears to house well over 70% of your Immune System. Your immune cells need to be protected! They work to keep you healthy and feeling stong, alive, and powerful. This is part of why InflammaCORE’s functional food is more than a meal replacement. Not only are you getting important nutrients into your diet, you’re also taking in anti-inflammatory ingredients to help heal your gut. Inflammation in the gut is easily agitated with our modern diets, lifestyles and environments. It is important to restore normal inflammatory balance.
Leaky Gut
Chronic inflammation in your intestines can lead to something called leaky gut. This is pretty much what it sounds like: your gut can start to leak. Your small intestines is the top of your digestive tract and is the area below your stomach. Your small intestines is often called your “gut” although sometimes your small and large intestines are referred to as your “gut.” In your small intestines, the cells that line your intestines are packed closely together so that only water and nutrients are able to get to the bloodstream. If the surrounding cells become too porous as they become damaged, they sort of shrivel up and gaps between the cells become significant enough that undigested food particles are able to invade the bloodstream. Because of these gaps in between your intestinal cells, food particles, bad bacteria and toxins can then become distributed throughout the body via your bloodstream. This process can lead to things like: food sensitivities, mental fog, an imbalanced microflora and a slew of autoimmune diseases.
In addition to restoring normal inflammatory balance, InflammaCORE can help in healing these gut barrier cells. By mending these cells that act like fences, toxins are kept out of the bloodstream, your inflammatory response decreases, and you’ll start to feel a whole lot better and experience less symptoms. Appropriate and helpful amounts of inflammation and a strong gut barrier can in turn strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health.
InflammaCORE has a number of stand-out ingredients. These ingredients are selected purposefully to bolster the aims of InflammaCORE. In line with the definition of functional foods – the ingredients are meant to be “health-enhancing or provide disease-preventing value, and at a concentration that is both safe and sufficiently high to achieve the intended benefit.”
The Complete Turmeric Matrix is an ingredient name to clarify that when you see turmeric on this ingredient table – it’s referring to compounds from the entire turmeric root. These bioactive compounds are at the core of InflammaCORE. They help support a healthy GI tract, create a healthy microbiome, and maintain normal inflammatory balance.
Green Tea Extract (EGCg)
Green Tea Extract steps in as a potent antioxidant. Its shining star quality is its effectiveness in maintaining normal inflammatory balance. By blocking free radicals and other harmful chemical pathways, Green Tea Extract helps to quiet inflammation.
Larch arabinagalactan is a fiber from the larch tree. It promotes optimal immune health by supporting the growth of beneficial gut flora. So even with all the work that InflammaCORE does to strengthen your gut barrier, it directly addresses your immune cells as well.
Skullcap Root Extract
Skullcap Root Extract has shown success in maintaining normal inflammatory balance and supporting cardiovascular health. Skullcap also possesses antioxidant properties. Not stopping there, skullcap also supports healthy respiratory function by protecting airways and mitochondrial function.
Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many botanicals, vegetables and fruits. It is a potent antioxidant that plays an important role in maintaining normal inflammatory balance. Additionally, Quercetin has shown its ability to enhance the barrier that bars toxins from finding their way to places they can become destructive.
Glutamine and Glycine
This amino acid dynamic duo is included for healthy gut mucosa and normal tissue repair. As we’ve established, acute inflammation (your body’s natural inflammatory and immune response), is important! Your tissues need help healing and these amino acids can help with those repairs. Glutamine and Glycine also have been successful in soothing the GI lining, and strengthening your intestinal wall lining in the process. These amino acids also play well with probiotic bacteria in your GI tract, and they both benefit from one another.
Vitamin D
Last but certainly not least – Vitamin D! Vitamin D can tighten the gap junctions in your intestinal lining. This helps to heal leaky gut and protects your body from foreign substances getting into your bloodstream. Recent research has also suggested that Vitamin D can enhance immune function and soothe tissues of the GI tract.
InflammaCORE is fructose free and contains 19 g of easy-to-digest protein (brown rice and pea protein options) and unique larch tree fiber per serving. With three delicious flavors it’s no wonder customers are excited!
“We always go to Healthy Habits Living for the best prices and delivery of the natural products we use each month. :) InflammaCORE is a must if you're dealing with any inflammation throughout your body.” - Greg W.
“According to a blood test, I was having a problem with inflammation and my doctor Recommended Ortho Molecular InflammaCORE. I have been taking it and no longer have an issue with inflammation. It's effective and tastes good.” - Alvin S.
“I love InflammaCore. It helps me in so many ways. Digestive issues, helps my arthritis pain. I have never taken any supplement that works as well as this does. I know the cost is high, but it's worth every penny.” - Sheila C.
“I was recommended this product from an ND to fight post-covid inflammation. So far I've been enjoying these daily shake and they taste quite good in the Vanilla Chai flavor.” - Nicole G.
“Really great as a smooth protein base. Tastes good and easy to use.” - Jean G.
“To combat inflammation due to leaky gut, my doctor recommended InflammaCORE and I have been using it for several years. I am quite pleased with the result. When InflammaCORE went on backorder two months ago, Healthy Habits Living kept me informed of the delay and promptly shipped my order when it was again available. Great job!” - Alvin S.
How long should you take Inflammacore?
One container of Inflammacore contains 14 servings. Each serving is 2 scoops and can be mixed with water or juice. I recommend 8-10 ounces of liquid. Leaky gut and digestive symptoms can be complicated. I recommend a 30 day or 2 container trial to determine if Inflammacore is supporting you and reducing your digestive symptoms.
What are the flavors of inflamacore?
Ortho Molecular Inflammacore is available in four flavors: Chocolate Mint, Strawberry, Vanilla chai, and Vanilla Chai Pea Protein
How does Inflammacore work?
Depending on the flavor, Inflammacore contains hypoallergenic pea or rice protein. Both of these protein sources are easy to digest and absorb. Using this as a protein source reduces the chance of food intolerance reactions or allergies. Additionally, Inflammacore contains potent herbs and nutrients for healing and rejuvenating the cells of your gut. Review the ingredients above to understand the highlights of the nutrients included for healing and restoring your digestive tract.
What are the side effects of Inflammacore?
There are no reported side effects of using Inflammacore. The nutrients are geared toward reducing inflammation and uncomfortable digestive symptoms. Leaky gut and other digestive symptoms also affect your brain and mental health. A common complaint of those with Leaky Gut is brain fog and headaches. This occurs because the inflammation that is created in your gut eventually arrives in your brain via your vagus nerve and bloodstream.
Does Inflammacore help with constipation?
Inflammacore is formulated to heal the cells in your gut. Constipation is sometimes caused by chronic inflammation in your digestive system.
My top 3 solutions for constipation are 1. Take Magnesium supplements 2. Increase your dietary fat intake 3. Take gut healing nutrients like those found in Inflammacore.
How to heal a leaky gut holistically?
Leaky gut may be the source of many symptoms that seem unrelated but seriously affect your quality of life. Check out this blog for the basics on healing leaky gut, which includes replacing toxic foods with anti-inflammatory foods and supplements like those found in Inflammacore.
What are natural home remedies to cure leaky gut?
There are as many solutions and remedies for leaky gut as there are causes. The first and most important step for getting relief from leaky gut is to avoid toxic foods and substances. Replace junk food with whole foods and focus on anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients.Often leaky gut is accompanied by food sensitivities and malabsorption. Liquid foods and high quality nutrient fortified protein shakes (functional foods) can be vital to avoiding junk food, cravings, and decreasing food reactions.
How to heal leaky gut naturally?
Reducing inflammation and the sources of inflammation in your diet and lifestyle is crucial to healing your intestinal lining. The 4 R’s of recovering from Leaky Gut are covered in this blog.
Is Inflammacore a protein powder?
Inflammacore contains 19 grams of protein in 2 level scoops. This is equivalent to eating about 2.5 to 3 ounces of a lean protein such as chicken. Inflammacore also contains gut healing nutrients whereas most protein powders do not. Inflammacore can act as a meal replacement and nutrient support for those who have leaky gut or other digestive symptoms.
It’s time to get your gut back on track! What happens in the gut extends far beyond the gut. We’ve talked about a number of systemic and gut related symptoms and leaky gut and chronic inflammation are also linked to depression. You can read more about that here. If you are interested in exploring ways to support your gut health Schedule a consult with me, Carly Neubert BA, NC.
A rational definition for functional foods: A perspective - PMC