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Meghan Markle's Favorite Probiotic

by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on May 10, 2018

Meghan Markle has recently spoken out about her favorite probiotic to take when traveling: Dr. Ohhira's Original Formula Probiotic. It's no surprise to me that she picked Dr. Ohhira, here's why:

The Royal Background

No doubt you have seen the royal blushing bride-to-be on the cover of every magazine at the check-out stand. Meghan Markle and her british beau, Prince Harry, truly deserve the caption “Dynamic Duo.”

They are both devoted philanthropists who use their celebrity to speak for charitable and humanitarian organizations. Meghan has been published in TIME magazine as the author of an article about women’s issues in undeveloped countries. She later teamed up with Mayna Mahila to provide menstruation pads and education for women in Rwanda. The menstruation pads are made by local women which provides an income and open discussions about women’s health. Meghan is also a representative for the United Nations.

Prince Harry grew out of his “party-boy” stage to become a soldier serving two tours in Afghanistan. After his military career, he followed his mother’s legacy as an activist for HIV/AIDS. He founded the Invictus Games and a charitable organization he co-manages with his brother, Prince William the Duke of Cambridge.

Their common passion for advocacy is likely to be a theme in their future life together. Besides sharing a love of philanthropic work, they have both been seen frequenting the local Whole Foods Market.

Health Regimens & Meghan's Favorite Probiotic

Health regimens and self-care are not only acceptable, but encouraged by the royal family. No one can forget the Dukan diet that both Kate Middleton and Pippa, her sister, used to prepare for Kate’s nuptials in 2011. Prince Harry has always looked the part of an athletic and vibrant royal. Meghan’s influence has only improved his appearance and eating habits. He even proposed while she was making a home-roasted chicken.  

The soon-to-be Princess Meghan’s personal blog, Tig is sprinkled with her tips for travel and health. And true to form, she recommends nothing but the best. Her trusted probiotic for long humanitarian travels is Dr. Ohhira’s Essential Formulas. If you think that her love story with Prince Harry sounds like a fairy tale, wait until you hear about her favorite probiotic.

Probiotic supplements can be sensitive items. Many brands need to be refrigerated and kept in a dark place. Of course, this is inconvenient and definitely wouldn’t work for Meghan’s many adventures and journeys. I can’t imagine her toting a cooler in Rwanda just to store her probiotics. She is much too practical, and busy, for that kind of nonsense. Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics are shelf-stable and have a long shelf life (usually 3 years). That kind of convenience is exactly what you need for long travels and a busy schedule.

What Makes Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics So Unique?

Considering that it takes 3-7 years to ferment and manufacture, this probiotic could be called a delicacy or likened to fine aged wine and cheese. Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic is far more nutritious than either of the former. I don’t expect to see the probiotic supplement offered on a silver platter at a royal dinner party, but my guess is that Meghan has already introduced her probiotics to Prince Harry who is looking healthier and even more svelte than usual.

On top of being shelf (heat) stable, Dr. Ohhira’s original formula probiotics are from a fairytale flip-book. The manufacturing process is unique and truly creates a product fit for royalty. It all starts with a pristine waterfall flowing from the mountains of Shibayama Japan. The clean water is blended with almost 100 different fresh seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits, mushrooms, and seaweed. Next, the magic occurs. The whole-food mixture is left to ferment in a temperature controlled environment for up to five years. Pipe in a little classical music, just for good measure, and then, bippity, boppity, boo---you end up with a probiotic supplement from fermented real whole foods.

Most probiotics are manufactured in a lab and lack a full spectrum of probiotic species. On the other hand, Dr. Ohhira's probiotics contain multiple strains as well as Prebiotics and Postbiotics. Does your probiotic supplement have prebiotics and postbiotics? Likely, your answer is “No,” unless you are already using Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics.

So, if you hear someone asking about the “Meghan Markle Probiotic” you will know exactly what they are talking about. Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics are Meghan’s, and the distinguishing modern traveler’s top choice for probiotics. If they are good enough for Princess Meghan, then they are good enough for me.

In health,

Carly Neubert BA, NC


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