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Everything You Need To Know About Unda Muco Coccinum

by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on December 12, 2018

What is Unda Muco Coccinum?

Muco Coccinum is a man-made homeopathic medicine alternative that is often used for flu or cold treatment and prevention. It is a small tablet which contains strands of past seasons’ flu. The goal of Muco Coccinum is to boost your immune system and enhance your body’s natural defenses to ward off viruses. Muco Coccinum is safe and easy to use with a sweet tablet that melts in your mouth.

Where did Muco Coccinum Originate?

Though sold through many different companies across the world, Muco Coccinum was originally created in Belgium over a half century ago. UNDA manufactures and is well known for homeopathic creations. UNDA only uses all natural ingredients and herbs to make a wide variety of products from flu and cold remedies to toothpaste. Muco Coccinum is popular in Europe, Canada, and the United States. Over ½ million doses are sold worldwide each year.

What does Muco Coccinum Do?

Unda Muco Coccinum is made to alleviate ailments and illnesses such as the flu or a cold. It may also aid other illnesses and conditions such as bronchitis, chest colds, chronic diseases, endocrine dysfunctions, head colds, laryngitis, congestion, pneumonia, sore throats, and some autoimmune diseases.

What are the Ingredients in Muco Coccinum?

Muco Coccinum has few ingredients compared to traditional medications. These ingredients are:

  • Branhamella catarrhalis (Mucotoxin) 200K
  • Influenzinum 200K
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae 200K
  • Micrococcus tetragenes 200K
  • Other Ingredients: carboxymethylcellulose sodium, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, xylitol (from birch or beechwood).

Each ingredient plays an important role in Muco Coccinum's success.

Branhamella catarrhalis is a form of diplococcus. It is the bacteria that causes pneumonia. Recently categorized as a pathogen, this deactivated strand is usually associated with nasal congestion and runny nose. It is included in Muco Coccinum to prevent or alleviate congestion.

Influenzinum is the diluted form of the most recent flu strains. It is included to alert immune cells to create antibodies to the most common flu strains.

Klebsiella pneumoniae is a type of bacteria that are associated with infections in the respiratory system. In Muco Coccinum, it is a prevention for respiratory and fever symptoms associated with the flu.

Micrococcus tetragenus is also another type of bacteria that is found in the lungs, nose, and throat. It too may lead to a pneumonia infection.  In Muco Coccinum, it is used a homeopathic prevention. 

The remaining ingredients in Muco Coccinum are used to bind the tablet and improve the taste.

How to Use Muco Coccinum When You Have the Flu?

To use preventatively, take one tablet and dissolve under the tongue. Repeat every 15 days through the flu season. October is generally accepted as the beginning of the flu season. However, you may contract the flu during any time of the year. In my opinion, the flu season has arrived once the weather is noticeably cooler. Instead of getting a flu shot, I recommend using Muco Coccinum. It is an inexpensive and broader inoculation alternative to the flu shot. Muco Coccinum stimulates antibodies for the most recent flu viruses and associated bacteria.  

For those of you who are an adult 12 years or older:

There is an incubation period. This is the phase when you feel like you may be sick, but you aren’t sure if you are actually ill. The incubation period is the best time to take Muco Coccinum. At the first signs of a cold or flu, take one tablet two to three times a day and allow to dissolve under the tongue.

At the symptom period, when you have full symptoms and are in the depths of the illness, take one tablet each morning and each evening for 3 days. If symptoms persist beyond 3 days, contact your practitioner for medical advice.  

For children that are younger than 12 years old:

Allow a ½ tablet to dissolve in the mouth; the tablet may also be dissolved in pure filtered water and administered by syringe or on a spoon.

What is Oscillococcinum?

Oscillococcinum is a similar supplement to Unda Muco Coccinum. Oscillococcinum is also a homeopathic solution. It is used for illnesses such as the common cold, flu, or H1N1 also known as the swine flu.

Oscillococcinum has no negative side effects. Though some reactions have been reported, they are very rare. These cases included side effects such as severe swelling and headaches. It is advised that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and want to take Oscillococcinum, that you contact your health care practitioner before beginning to take the supplement. Studies have not been done to show the effects on pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What are the ingredients in Oscillococcinum?

The ingredients of Oscillococcinum include both active and inactive ingredients. The active ingredient is Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum-200CK. This is an extract from both the liver and heart of a muscovy duck. A French medical doctor, Joseph Roy, studied the blood of patients from the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1917. He isolated a bacterium that he believed was responsible for the flu. He named that bacterium “oscillococcus” because it moved in an oscillating pattern. He also isolated the same bacteria in the heart and liver of muscovy duck. He prepared a homeopathic remedy using the diluted bacteria and began administering to patients. He treated everything from cancer to the flu with the preparation.

The inactive ingredients include lactose and sucrose.

What is the difference between Unda Muco Coccinum and Oscillococcinum?

Muco Coccinum contains homeopathic dilutions of 2 of the worst flu pathogens of the 20th century while Oscillococcinum contains duck liver and heart dilutions. The elusive "oscillococcus" bacteria has never been cataloged or even seen by anyone other than Dr. Joseph Roy.  Whereas Muco Coccinum includes homeopathic dilutions to prevent symptoms and side effects of colds and the flu.  In keeping with the theory of homeopathy, Muco Coccinum is clearly a better choice for a cold or flu.  

What are the Side Effects of Homeopathy? What are the Side Effects of Muco Coccinum?

Homeopathy works with your body’s natural defenses---your immune system. This approach to healing has little side effects or other interactions with the body. When you are ill, your immune system is busy fighting infection and creating antibodies. Your body works hard to keep itself in a natural state of homeostasis. The premise of homeopathy is “like cures like.” In other words, taking a very minute homeopathic dilution of the flu virus will stimulate your immune cells to create antibodies without developing any flu symptoms. Then, when you actually contract the flu or associated bacteria, your immune cells have already learned how to destroy them.    

How to use for Prevention and Actual Onset of the Flu?

To prevent the flu, the use of Muco Coccinum is all about timing. To prevent the flu, take one tablet every two weeks starting at the beginning of the fall season and continue taking it through the winter season. If you are experiencing flu symptoms, at the earliest sign, take one tablet and then if symptoms continue, take one tablet two to three times a day.

Why doesn’t the Flu Shot Work all the Time?

Flu vaccines have been gaining popularity since the outbreak of the 2009 Swine Flu. Unfortunately, the vaccines are popular, but the results are not impressive. New flu vaccines are manufactured 2 times per year because the flu virus mutates rapidly. The ingredients in the flu vaccine are inactive and weakened forms of the most prevalent 3-4 strains of the flu. The problem is that the 3-4 strains are chosen based on guesses or hypotheses of which strains “might” be active during the coming flu season.

The flu vaccine that you receive this winter was actually manufactured earlier this year and may not match the strain of the flu that you contract. The flu virus that is most virulent this year may not be the strain that is included in the vaccine. The efficacy of the flu vaccine varies from year to year based on which strains are in the vaccine and which strains are actually infecting the population.

The flu vaccine is a slurry of dead viruses that is supposed to initiate a mild response. The idea is that the vaccine teaches your immune system to produce antibodies against 3-4 specific strains of the flu virus. If you encounter those same strains again during flu season, your immune cells already know how to kill those strains of the flu virus and you don’t have to suffer. In theory, the idea is acceptable, although flawed. The premise to create an immunity to the flu is certainly noble and will save many lives and intense suffering. But, guessing at which 2-4 strains of the flu will be most widespread is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

There exists no science, or art, to predict which strains to include in the vaccine. You may receive a vaccine that theoretically inoculates you against flu strains A, B, and C, but what if you contract flu strain D? The answer is that you will get the full-blown set of flu symptoms and stay sick for at least 2 weeks.  

The medical vaccine industry has been accused of selling vaccines based on fear and not on sound science and effectiveness. Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration calls vaccines “rubbish” and “ineffective.” Michael Osterholm of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy gave his review of vaccines in 2012:  “We have overpromoted and overhyped this vaccine….it does not protect as promoted. It’s all a sales job: it’s all public relations”.

Common side effects of the flu shot?

It is not uncommon to have side effects from the flu shot. Some side effects may include soreness and redness of the injection area, or it may cause headaches, fevers, nausea, and muscle aches. The worst side effect of the vaccine is the flu itself. Despite getting a flu vaccine, you may contract the flu anyway.

The weather is cold and the wind is crisp. Another flu season is upon us. What will you do this year to prevent the flu? Will you play your odds with the unpredictable strains in the flu vaccine or will you cover your basis with Muco Coccinum?

For personalized protocols for your winter wellness, purchase a consultation with Carly Neubert, BA, NC.

For additional recipes, biohacking tips and lifestyle hacks -- check out my other blog on my coaching site www.cleancoachcarly.com! I post weekly about nutrition and lifestyle topics, all backed by science. Happy Reading!






