The Who and What of Healthy Habits Living
Welcome to Healthy Habits!
This site is for you and your personal health education. One of my mottos--- "knowledge is power"--- means that we must all be informed health consumers. We cannot rely on our neighborhood doctor to have all of our health answers. We must advocate for ourselves. I have learned this the hard way.
In 1997 I got sick. Really, really, really sick. The college campus doctors told me I was depressed. Darn right I was depressed! I couldn't get out of bed and my whole body ached. Over the course of several years I dropped out of school a few times, took a myriad of anti-psychotics, and was homebound. I received dozens of diagnoses and went to hours of therapy. But something was wrong and it wasn't just in my mind. It was my whole body. Fast forward 8 years and I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease and Toxic mold exposure.
So, I started with the basics; diet, sleep, exercise and lifestyle. I learned all I could about these factors and how it affects my mood and energy. I found that altering these factors changed my life dramatically. And there is no surprise, these factors will change your life too.
If I would have known then, what I know now, I would be much farther along my journey with these chronic conditions. I continue to educate myself on new treatments, research, and findings on Lyme Disease, mold toxicity, and chronic illness. I have done the research; I have experimented on myself and I am living proof that diet and lifestyle work for basically every disease state.