Takesumi, also known as carbonized bamboo, is a well-known product in Japan that is now gaining recognition in the US. Simply put, it is derived from bamboo that is carbonized under specific conditions. It has been reported by many physicians to be effective against heavy metal toxicity, chemicals, and food sensitivities. Takesumi also absorbs mycotoxins, endotoxins, and other biotoxins from various organisms, providing relief to the liver and kidneys and promoting anti-aging. It is commonly used in the protocols of Lyme-literate and CIRS physicians.
Primary Usage:
Metal and Chemical Chelator
Trace Mineral Source
GI upset
For more information, check out our blog post - Takesumi Supreme
Serving Size: 3 Vegetable Capsules
Takesumi (Carbonized bamboo)
1,050 mg
Other Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose capsules
Suggested Use
Take 3 capsules once daily at least 30 minutes before food, pills, or prescription, or at least 90 minutes after, or as directed by a physician.
Contraindications: Do NOT take this product if you have been diagnosed with variegate porphyria.
Keep out of reach of children.
Takesumi Supreme™ - 90 Capsules
has a rating of 4.9 stars
based on 28 reviews.